Workforce development
Enhancing student bridges to employment
SHEAMA’s workforce development activities ensure that university partner courses are market-driven and relevant, leading to increased employment and better opportunities for graduates. SHEAMA accomplishes this through facilitating collaboration between universities and local industries — establishing collaborative curriculum development, internship opportunities, job fairs and other community awareness events. Through SHEAMA’s partnership with ASU’s Thunderbird School of Global Management, the project is able to capitalize on Thunderbird’s deep experience in workforce development throughout the African continent; and to provide access to DreamBuilder, a women-focused online platform for entrepreneurship training.
- Market-relevant courses and trainings
- Internships
- Align coursework, practical training, internships and student support to the labor market with input from industry.
- Establish a pathway of short-term, affordable and attainable courses.
Success story
Maria’s application to university was rejected, so she went back to farming. After studying from home through SHEAMA’s open and distance learning, she’s now an apprentice on her way to a career as an electrician.